Five Element Acupuncture

Aidan Healy Lic.Ac.

Five Element Acupuncture

The goal of Five Element Acupuncture is to enhance the flow and balance of energy in all the areas of the person. The natural state of a person will have a continuous, smooth and balanced flow of energy. If the energy is interrupted it can become stagnant and eventually manifest symptoms. Symptoms like pain and illness are the body's alert system that something is wrong. Traditionally in China acupuncture was used as a preventative treatment before any symptoms appeared. Acupuncture is safe and by correcting the energy imbalances it enables the persons ability to recover.

Acupuncture is an enabler for you to heal yourself. Everyone is unique and like your life, your healing cannot be predictable. Even if you have no symptoms, acupuncture may encourage you to look differently at life.